Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ooooooh YEAH!

I have never been a fan of wrestling. It is basically just a violet soap opera show.
Not that I am dissing soap operas, I actually watched Days of are Lives religiously for 3 years.
I got hooked when Marlena became possessed with the devil.
But wrestling is just so over the top ridiculous sometimes.
BUT, the guys in this video seriously impressed me.
It may be choreographed, but tell me the guy at the end isn't hurtin'

I need to learn how to do this


Monday, January 26, 2009

Ready? Set... GO!!!!

You can zoom in and out.

Try to find:
  1. Secret Service on the roof
  2. The President
  3. Dubya
  4. The Honorable(Sleeping???) Judge Clarence Thomas.
  5. Bill n' Hill
  1. The lady "daintily" wiping her nose next to Newt Gingrich

Make sure to leave a comment if you find them all!!
Be honest... I looked at this for like a half hour.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cha, Cha, Cha, Cha, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill

I am pretty excited about this!
The fact that Jason looks to be actually running and chasing people is much more realistic than him meandering after them like in the 80's films.
However, wasn't his mother the killer in the original?
Either way I am loving the horror remakes. Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills have Eyes were brilliant, can't wait for this one!

This is a great Commercial